Love is a basic need of everybody's life. Survival without it is very hard. But most important thing is do we know for what it actually stands for? Means do we know its actual meaning? Topic we are going to discuss here is centuries old. So many minds have come up with their own personal definitions regarding it but till now no specific clarity of outline is approved. Here this is my merely a small effort to express it in my own way. Hope you all will agree to it. That topic is none other than a most exclusive one i.e. 'what is love'.
Love is defined in many different ways by great philosophers, general people etc., but I personally feel it is only a pious feeling for the other person or a group of persons. The reason behind my feeling so is that till you will not have clean and clear heart for the person how can you love him or her? For loving someone your positive attitude towards them held great importance. Definitely respect and understanding is equally important but they also come only if you have pure feeling between each other.
This I do not feel only with regard to romantic love. It can be between child and a mother, father and child, between siblings, between two or more friends or between lovers, it applies to all. Have you ever deeply thought why fights occur, why love relations becomes envy, why child goes away from parents etc,. it all happens when bad thoughts overcome love. Thus piousness is very important in every relation for maintaining love. No matter how you feel it, but when you will go deep in its meaning surely you will find this one of the right ones.
There is a thin line of difference between love and lust. Many never come to know about this difference and end up in a disastrous relationship later. And it happens when they come to know about other person's real nature later and all good feelings shatters in them. It tells that you have loved person just on physical appearances and not on what he or she is from inside. When you truly love someone this piousness remains forever. Hence piousness is a great determiner of every relationship.
Thus for feeling this ultimate feeling, which is defined equals to God, for sharing your joy and sorrow with your loved ones, for asserting understanding keep your heart clean and sure enough you will have a strengthened relationship.
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