Love and Lust, greatest parameters of emotion, to make out difference between the two is very important for understanding the relationship. It's believed that there is a thin line of proportion between love and lust but in actual they are entirely unlike in nature. They are not even meant to be compared. How can one feeling that is equated to God and the other that is sensual by nature can be even compared?
Foremost important difference between the two is of longevity. Love is eternal, it never dies in any condition but life of lust is very short. As soon as attraction for the other person dies out, it marks an end of lust. Mostly people get into a relationship and start thinking it as the final one. But later when they realise it is not their true love they were looking for, then happens the same as usual thing i.e. breakup. Thus before starting any relationship it is very important to make out whether it is love or lust. To gauge partner's intents is best that can help you in this regard.
Second important element of spotting the difference is the drive to do anything for beloved. If it is love then without giving a thought he or she will be ready to do anything. And very easily this thing can be intimated. Just need is to create a situation like ask him or her to tell about you to parents. Or check out how much he or she care for your feelings or how much they put effort in maintaining the relationship. These genuine situations are perfect determiners for probing loyalty. Love is name of such emotion that motors you to sacrifice anything for the hapiness of the one you love. But if it is lust then it's vile to expect all this.
Third difference between love and lust is, your eyes will never look for the other person if love exists between the two. While lust is not bound to one person. It will be continuously in search for someone to satisfy the hunger of body. In love how much big fight happens or however big the argument occurs, but people always try to reolve it, may be sooner or later. But in lust people start looking for someone else as their ego and untruthful nature does not allow them to bend down.
Fourth essential factor that marks the difference is what you feel for him or her? Respect is the main foundation of people in love. Their relationship speaks of selflessness, commitment, compromising attitude and understanding while in lustful relation there is only space for fun and selfishness.
Fifth is, love relation provides endless happiness while lusty relationships are disastrous and brings ruin in future. Reason behind is, lust relationships starts with passion, dates and craze while love relationships begins with patience and urge to know each other, which is base of every relationship and thus becomes longlasting.
Thus is is clear that it is very easy to find out the difference between love and lust. Hence ensure before getting into relationship whether it is love or lust. Always remember love is about you while lust is about me.
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