Love at first sight:
Has it ever happened that your eyes got stuck on someone's face and your efforts to take them away also proved useless? If this is the case then may be its 'love at first sight'. On hearing it sounds quite romantic but many people are strictly adhere to believe it.
People think how such an important thing like love can be decided in a moments time. They give it the name of infatuation or lust. But these people forgets one thing that 'nothing is impossible', because impossible itself says, 'I am posible'. If you compare the ratio of believable and unbelievable people, the second ones are more in number.
It's up to individual's perception what he or she thinks. But as everything is possible thus love at first sight also. Whether you accept it as true or not but you should be aware of the signs that prove it. May be later you are one amongst those who will feel it and fight with others for its existence. So be better prepared in case it does happen to you.
This article is completely in the favor of this statement and even tried to prove its essence. Below written conceptions are being felt when love at first sight happens. These feelings are much different and clears the importance of that person in your life whom you have met just for the first time.
Important thing that you will notice about the person if it is your love at first sight that you will find them very different from other persons especially opposite sex. Here is also a difference between infatuation and love and that is, if your eyes are caught by the beauty of the person and you are recalling it again and again, then it's not love but you are infatuated by the beauty. But if you have noticed qualities that others haven't, then for sure it's love at first sight.
Another important indication that proves the statement is you are not in a hurry to grab that person. If you really want that person in your life then you will work out things slowly. Firstly you will try to know the person and style that will help to make him or her to become your friend. But if you are thinking about them in physical way like 'oh! she is so beautiful, if I will get her then I will be one of the luckiest men in the world', then remember it's a mistake of 'lust at first sight' for which you will have to repent lifelong.
True love tries to know everything about the partner from the tiniest to the largest knowable. Though this feeling can come even in infatuation too, so for that it's important to have the above two points to experience love at first sight.
Thus never underestimate anything because you may be the one who can get trapped into it. It's very much possible to fall for someone at first glance, just the need is of true feelings.
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