Love is an inexpressible feeling, which does not have words for the explanation. Things happened in it are isolated from all the affairs of the world. You can even say it is the most amazing emotion ever felt by anyone. In love people completely bent for the other person without thinking bringing ego into front. It is a selfless emotional attachment you feel for someone you really love with true heart.
As universal things does not change ever and are constant for the lifetime, similarly if your love is true for your beloved, then your way of loving of them will be same as per described by great lovers. Main guide of loving someone is same in all the love affairs. Way of loving can be different in different relations but that innermost feeling that defines love is same in all the cases. Here are mentioned some guidelines that tells about right ways of loving. If love is really true these emotions will definitely be there in the relationship. Here it goes:
First important one is the phrase that lovers usually say to each other i.e. 'I LOVE YOU'. It is said if you frequently say it love increases by zillion times. That's quite true also because it gives security as well as makes him or her feel good. But just saying is not enough most important is to feel it. Lovers who say it with a feel make everlasting relationship. They can do anything for their beloved and that's what true love is all about and this is one of the most significant ways also.
Second essential is to understand your darling. Rather than expecting from others true lover tries to understand by him or her. You should know what they feel, what is their thinking, how they cope up with things and all such small things. No one should understand your lover more than you. Thus center point if empathize.
Unconditional love live longest. Keeping expectations shows you have some reason for loving that person but in true love people do not expect anything. Accepting person as they are is the sign of true love and right way of loving also. That person should come as a sweet experience of your life rather than the one fulfilling your desires. Love someone just for the sake of love. Everybody has different ways of expressing love, do not expect to be loved back in exactly the same way.
One of the right ways of loving is to realize from time to time that you can even miss your beloved. If this thought puzzles you it means you have great appreciation for your love. Those people are very lucky who can sense this feeling.
If you come across anyone of the above ways of loving be happy it means you are really in love.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Is Love And Lust One Of The Same Thing?

Love and Lust, greatest parameters of emotion, to make out difference between the two is very important for understanding the relationship. It's believed that there is a thin line of proportion between love and lust but in actual they are entirely unlike in nature. They are not even meant to be compared. How can one feeling that is equated to God and the other that is sensual by nature can be even compared?
Foremost important difference between the two is of longevity. Love is eternal, it never dies in any condition but life of lust is very short. As soon as attraction for the other person dies out, it marks an end of lust. Mostly people get into a relationship and start thinking it as the final one. But later when they realise it is not their true love they were looking for, then happens the same as usual thing i.e. breakup. Thus before starting any relationship it is very important to make out whether it is love or lust. To gauge partner's intents is best that can help you in this regard.
Second important element of spotting the difference is the drive to do anything for beloved. If it is love then without giving a thought he or she will be ready to do anything. And very easily this thing can be intimated. Just need is to create a situation like ask him or her to tell about you to parents. Or check out how much he or she care for your feelings or how much they put effort in maintaining the relationship. These genuine situations are perfect determiners for probing loyalty. Love is name of such emotion that motors you to sacrifice anything for the hapiness of the one you love. But if it is lust then it's vile to expect all this.
Third difference between love and lust is, your eyes will never look for the other person if love exists between the two. While lust is not bound to one person. It will be continuously in search for someone to satisfy the hunger of body. In love how much big fight happens or however big the argument occurs, but people always try to reolve it, may be sooner or later. But in lust people start looking for someone else as their ego and untruthful nature does not allow them to bend down.
Fourth essential factor that marks the difference is what you feel for him or her? Respect is the main foundation of people in love. Their relationship speaks of selflessness, commitment, compromising attitude and understanding while in lustful relation there is only space for fun and selfishness.
Fifth is, love relation provides endless happiness while lusty relationships are disastrous and brings ruin in future. Reason behind is, lust relationships starts with passion, dates and craze while love relationships begins with patience and urge to know each other, which is base of every relationship and thus becomes longlasting.
Thus is is clear that it is very easy to find out the difference between love and lust. Hence ensure before getting into relationship whether it is love or lust. Always remember love is about you while lust is about me.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Best friend as a good lover and vice-versa

Love and Friendship are two beautiful aspects of life and one who is endowed with both is the luckiest one. And getting both in one person is a more lucky thing. Mostly in everybody's life bestfriend and lover are different. But here we will discuss how it is to have a good lover in best friend and viceversa?
There is a great difference between lover and bestfriend. Lover is the one who is going to be with you for the entire life. Your life's each and every moment will pass with him or her. They are your soulmate. You can share your every problem with them as they are your family. Bestfriend is the one with whom you can share your joy and sorrow but to a certain extent. They are little farthest than lover but still possess a great importance in your life. I personally feel people who get a good lover in their bestfriend are more lucky than the ones who get good friend in lover.
In very rare cases only people get bestfriend as a good lover and viceversa. Bestfriend shares your every secret however bitter it is and give you suggestions accordingly. You know that he or she is there for you to give the right guidance. But with lover you hide few things in order to prevail sanctity in your relation. Lover can take it personally and become angry because they love you but bestfriend will take it in a broader perspective. Possessiveness is another reason which makes difference between lover and bestfriend.
Lover as a bestfriend will make your life happy but bestfriend as a good lover can make your life smooth. Getting any one of these two is a matter of luck. Though in practical world of today it's very hard to get good lover and good friend in one person because lover cannot understand your every thing in the way friend do and friend cannot come close to you in every sens as a lover. But still nothing is impossible. Be positive for everything who knows when what magic will happen.
Though it sounds like saying that your life partner one who is your wife or husband is not necessarily your bestfriend. How awkward it sounds but it is true in many cases. Thus this article says that getting a good lover in bestfriend and vice versa is a very lucky thing but if you don'e get so then also don't take it as a bad luck. Even finding one amongst the two is also a occuring by chance thus worship it as a God.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Love at first sight

Love at first sight:
Has it ever happened that your eyes got stuck on someone's face and your efforts to take them away also proved useless? If this is the case then may be its 'love at first sight'. On hearing it sounds quite romantic but many people are strictly adhere to believe it.
People think how such an important thing like love can be decided in a moments time. They give it the name of infatuation or lust. But these people forgets one thing that 'nothing is impossible', because impossible itself says, 'I am posible'. If you compare the ratio of believable and unbelievable people, the second ones are more in number.
It's up to individual's perception what he or she thinks. But as everything is possible thus love at first sight also. Whether you accept it as true or not but you should be aware of the signs that prove it. May be later you are one amongst those who will feel it and fight with others for its existence. So be better prepared in case it does happen to you.
This article is completely in the favor of this statement and even tried to prove its essence. Below written conceptions are being felt when love at first sight happens. These feelings are much different and clears the importance of that person in your life whom you have met just for the first time.
Important thing that you will notice about the person if it is your love at first sight that you will find them very different from other persons especially opposite sex. Here is also a difference between infatuation and love and that is, if your eyes are caught by the beauty of the person and you are recalling it again and again, then it's not love but you are infatuated by the beauty. But if you have noticed qualities that others haven't, then for sure it's love at first sight.
Another important indication that proves the statement is you are not in a hurry to grab that person. If you really want that person in your life then you will work out things slowly. Firstly you will try to know the person and style that will help to make him or her to become your friend. But if you are thinking about them in physical way like 'oh! she is so beautiful, if I will get her then I will be one of the luckiest men in the world', then remember it's a mistake of 'lust at first sight' for which you will have to repent lifelong.
True love tries to know everything about the partner from the tiniest to the largest knowable. Though this feeling can come even in infatuation too, so for that it's important to have the above two points to experience love at first sight.
Thus never underestimate anything because you may be the one who can get trapped into it. It's very much possible to fall for someone at first glance, just the need is of true feelings.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
FIGHT- Directly or Inversely proportional to love?
Fight! Is it good or bad for a relationship? You will be wondering what type of question is this? Definitely fights are injurious not only for relation but also for health. I do agree with it but not completely.
Fights are good and bad both for relation in a ratio of 50-50. Sometimes fights work as a great clincher because many understand the importance of each other in their lives after fights only. Fights are good to an extent in a relationship. In fact they are must and good for more strong building of relation. They work mostly for love relations. Though many lovers break due to fights, which is due to the result of misunderstanding, decreasing love etc. For other relations also fights are fruitful but its real sweetness can be felt in between lovers only.
How good it feels when your loved ones gets angry if you are talking with someone in opposite sex or if you are leaving for 10 to 15 days for your native place or waiting for you since last three hours and you are late and so on many other small things. That time you come to know your importance in other's life. It makes you feel how much you are important for someone, may be even more than parents. And then you never repeat those mistakes again. It also brings people more closer, as their absence for few days or hours or minutes makes clear that you are incomplete without him or her.
But at the same time fights have a bad side too. Much fights are also not good. If they occur very frequently it can be very dicey for relation. Fights are good till they do not make roots in relationship. Reason for fights also matters a most in finding out whether relation is strong or not? If you are doubting your lover for his or her talking with opposite sex friend without knowing their actual relationship or if you are fighting on the subject that you have already discussed before or if your mood is off due to certain thing and you do not want to talk with anyone but your love is unaware of it and started teasing you as ususal but you started fight due to your bad mood etc, if on such things fight is happeining, it's really bad, even worse.
Temperament, way of fighting, language, etc decides decency grade, which should be up to the mark. In short if you see all these things depend on commonsense, like in what way you are taking things, personal apprehension between the two, how much love is in relation, commitment in relationship and so forth. Thus here is a small piece of advice for those who are really serious for each other that do fight but in limits. Don't make fights habit in your relation. Many lovers are find saying that oh we fight a lot but still we are together. No, it's actually not good. Whatever the way is, but you cannot neglect the fact that actually it is fight. Thus keep them as much minimal and light you can.
As much small and funny will be the fight more stronger the relation will be. But yes, at the same time don't miss its flavor.
Fights are good and bad both for relation in a ratio of 50-50. Sometimes fights work as a great clincher because many understand the importance of each other in their lives after fights only. Fights are good to an extent in a relationship. In fact they are must and good for more strong building of relation. They work mostly for love relations. Though many lovers break due to fights, which is due to the result of misunderstanding, decreasing love etc. For other relations also fights are fruitful but its real sweetness can be felt in between lovers only.
How good it feels when your loved ones gets angry if you are talking with someone in opposite sex or if you are leaving for 10 to 15 days for your native place or waiting for you since last three hours and you are late and so on many other small things. That time you come to know your importance in other's life. It makes you feel how much you are important for someone, may be even more than parents. And then you never repeat those mistakes again. It also brings people more closer, as their absence for few days or hours or minutes makes clear that you are incomplete without him or her.
But at the same time fights have a bad side too. Much fights are also not good. If they occur very frequently it can be very dicey for relation. Fights are good till they do not make roots in relationship. Reason for fights also matters a most in finding out whether relation is strong or not? If you are doubting your lover for his or her talking with opposite sex friend without knowing their actual relationship or if you are fighting on the subject that you have already discussed before or if your mood is off due to certain thing and you do not want to talk with anyone but your love is unaware of it and started teasing you as ususal but you started fight due to your bad mood etc, if on such things fight is happeining, it's really bad, even worse.
Temperament, way of fighting, language, etc decides decency grade, which should be up to the mark. In short if you see all these things depend on commonsense, like in what way you are taking things, personal apprehension between the two, how much love is in relation, commitment in relationship and so forth. Thus here is a small piece of advice for those who are really serious for each other that do fight but in limits. Don't make fights habit in your relation. Many lovers are find saying that oh we fight a lot but still we are together. No, it's actually not good. Whatever the way is, but you cannot neglect the fact that actually it is fight. Thus keep them as much minimal and light you can.
As much small and funny will be the fight more stronger the relation will be. But yes, at the same time don't miss its flavor.
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